Go to your room, America

Last night during my pre-bedtime Instagram scroll, I watched the cutest video of Rachel's son reading the Jimmy Fallon Dada book (and made a mental note to buy it for my future child). This morning during my 'please don't make me get up' morning Facebook stalking, I saw an adorabl 4 month old (the bigger the bow the closer to God) and a funny post about hunting for food but not knowing where tacos live. Last week, because of social media, $8,691 of a $10K goal was raised for a friend I grew up with (who had an accident) in just FOUR days.

Social media can be fun, useful and positively impactful. It's nice to connect with friends you don't see often, keep in touch with those from your childhood and get a good laugh in here and there. I quite enjoy cat videos, puppies and babies (but not puppy monkey babies) and the Tasty on Buzzfeed videos of recipes I'm likely too lazy to make.

But man, has social media ruined our lives and many of us are letting it. I imagine in the future, students will open up their history book no, students will click on their history book and be reading about how Facebook in the millennial age caused disruption and chaos instead of progress.

It's disappointing and shameful, really. The way people are talking to and about each other is really unacceptable, but I'm afraid it's only getting worse. I've had to unfollow several people on my feed so I would be able to face them in the grocery store without having lost all respect for them whatsoever. Christians, non christians, liberal, conservative - all of the above. It's really horrible. Whether or not I agree or disagree with a position or opinion, the way things are worded, the hatred behind the disagreements, that's what sickens me. To be honest, it's a constant struggle to not join the masses and get on a nasty soapbox outrage of accusations and opinions.

Social media really is a disease. It's ruining friendships and destroying the ability for cordial debate and progress toward any real change. 

Not to mention it's just making us mean! 

As much as I love a good meme, have you ever stopped and thought about our natural instinct to find humor in another person's flaws? It's like we think it's okay to trash someone because we don't personally know or see them... but it's not. For example, a meme of an overweight person eating with a caption about being fat. That person doesn't deserve to be exploited while eating their breakfast. How would you feel if someone photographed you and you went viral with your flaws showcased? As guilty as I am at laughing at the People of Walmart site, I really hope that the generations to come put an end to this kind of stuff instead of feeding into this social degradation.

Pro march, anti march, pro Trump, anti Trump, pro abortion, anti abortion, etc. etc. etc. guess what? This post isn't about that. I'm ashamed of all of us and I hope with all the change we hope to see in this world that we start with ourselves. America needs an attitude adjustment and a solid 5 minutes (or more) in timeout. Go to your room and think about what you've done.

But please, keep posting pics of your kids and puppies. I really love it. #babyfever #crazydoglady


  1. Great post Lori. I totally agree with you. You seriously need to write a book!

  2. Very well written Lori and you're on point with all you said.


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